The McConaughey Follow-Up

Well, yesterday was interesting. I wrote a post and put it out there as usual, expecting my usual 150-ish people to read it, and somehow it got passed all over the world. I generally don’t write for all over the world. No, I write for my friends and family, and I consider them my true audience.

I started this blog because I wanted to leave something of myself for my children to read when I’m gone. I wanted to leave a legacy of faith in Jesus, and a testimony of how real God is and how He has worked in my life. Despite all of His work on me through the years, I am still plagued by plenty of weaknesses. But, I’m learning to depend on Him and trust that where I am weak He is strong, and He can take my okay-ness and do something good with it. I am trusting that is what He is doing with the Matthew McConaughey post from yesterday.

If you’ve read the comments, you know that I was not a popular person in lots of different circles yesterday. Many people felt like I was judging Matthew McConaughey. I was certainly judging the content of his movies. I think that it’s okay for me to do that, as a Christian. I didn’t watch the movies, but I get information about the content of movies and television shows from a great website called I don’t enjoy watching movies that are filled with sexual content and foul language, even if the overall message is good. I think explicit sex scenes are spiritually harmful to Christian people.

Yesterday’s post was not about whether Matthew McConaughey is a Christian. It wasn’t about whether I am better than him or worse than him. It wasn’t even about him thanking God in his acceptance speech. The post was a reaction to what I was seeing on the internet in the hours following his speech. What I saw was Christian people reaching up to that stage in Hollywood to cling to Matthew McConaughey’s nice tuxedo jacket, to hang on to his coattails and excitedly exclaim that he is one of us. That he validates us and he makes our God more acceptable, and if Matthew McConaughey is going the praise the Lord, then that must make our faith worth more. I didn’t want us, as Christians, to feel like Matthew’s speech somehow legitimized our trust in Jesus.

This is my little corner of the internet, and I try to fill it with truth. I certainly don’t hold myself up as an amazing example of Christianity. I fail. A lot. But, this is my place to be honest with fellow Christians about the wonderful things and the difficult things about being a Christian in our current world. And, that’s all I was doing yesterday. I was trying to speak the truth.

One person asked what I thought Jesus would think about my blog post yesterday. I don’t presume to speak for Jesus, but I pray that He, knowing my heart, has taken what I said, in all its imperfection, and done something good with it for His kingdom. I know that He can bring beauty from ashes, in my life, in Matthew McConaughey’s life, and in this little blog that suddenly got big for a day. It was an interesting experience.

*If you would like to keep up with Your Mom Has a Blog, please like me on Facebook!

*Due to the fact that everything that can be said HAS been said–many, many times–comments are closed. Thanks for stopping by!

Blogs Grow Up So Fast, Don’t They?

Welcome to my brand new virtual home!  Wow, I am SUPER EXCITED to be here. Big, big thanks to my friend David Dewese for setting this up for me and for putting up with my non-technological-ness.  He does this for a living, and he is really good at it.  Thanks, DD!

I hope you’ll scroll down there on the right side and sign up to follow my blog via email.  That way you’ll get one tiny, non-irritating email whenever there’s a new post.

Tomorrow I’ll resume daily posts, barring any major catastrophes.  Thanks a bunch for reading!!

31st Day

My 31 day challenge has come to a close.

I’ll miss this. I’ve been inspired to think, to remember things and explore ideas that have been floating around in my head. I’ve enjoyed the conversations that started. I’ve looked forward to seeing how many people are reading–so many more than I would ever guess! I loved watching one post get picked up by Tim Challies and go around the world.

I’ve realized that I had a lot more in common with friends than I knew. I’ve felt like, in small ways, God was using me. I’ve enjoyed applying my mind for more than trying to guess why the baby is crying. I’ve poured out my heart. I’ve written things for my kids. I’ve loved every minute.

I’ll be lauching a new blog in a few days. I don’t know if I’ll be able to write every day. But, I want to try to keep this routine going. I think it’s good for me.

Most days when I sit down to write I stare at the blank screen with no clue what I will say. But, something always comes to me. And God has spoken to my heart through my own words. That seems wierd. But, it’s true. I don’t know how to explain that. But, I feel closer to Him after this month.

Thank you, all of you who have read. You have blessed me.


Well, I’m only three days away from the end of this 31 day challenge. I have had so much fun doing this! I can’t believe how encouraging you all have been. My blog passed 10,000 views last week, and that absolutely blows my mind. Just knowing that I can write something and someone can instantly read it on the other side of the world is amazing. But, what I really love is just knowing that my friends are reading.

While I’ve spent many days sitting in front of the computer with no clue what to write, my daily blogging has become a habit that is actually not as difficult to maintain as I imagined. In fact, I think I’m hooked.

I’ve been working on setting up a brand new blog that should be up and running in the next few days. I really hope you’ll check it out! I know not every day of my blogging is a total winner, but I do appreciate you reading. The challenge of writing every day has been really good for my mind and heart.

Thank you so much for your kindness! I’m excited about launching my new blog this week!